

Translation of this page is incomplete.

Your First Registration as a PhD

You should proceed from July 7th to July 23rd and from September 2nd to December 19th of 2014
(it is mandatory that your files be signed and droped at the Doctoral School office by November 17th)

Be aware that PhD students "on contract" should be registered before the 14th of September for the first session and for late cases ASAP before the end of September.

Registration requirements

French "Research" Master qualification.
If it is not the case, you have to apply for the validation of your diplomas
and use the forms available at this address :

Informations on international convention for the joint supervision of theses

Prior to registration l’inscription

Please doubleside and color print the registration document at this address

The document should be filled in by the PhD student and its advisor who has to sign it. It should be droped at the School Office together with the "charte des thèses" document signed. Be aware that the documents should be properly signed by you, your advisor and co-advisor when necessary, the head of your advisor laboratory (in case of LRI, the secretary takes care of it).

Be carefull : ignore the signature requested from the University president.

Other documents to prepare

You should provide the documents requested for the admistrative registration to the School office with the exception of the means of payment.sciences.

  • your CV
  • your PhD Project signed (fill it with your supervisor) :
PhD Project_english version.pdf
PhD Project_english version.doc
  • a letter from your advisor to support your application to a PhD registration
  • evidence of sources of funding for three years (a copy of your signed contract should be given to the secretary)
  • copy of your Master degree (or certification) or validation of your diploma
  • registration files filled in and signed (4 pages)

Adminsitrative registration

When your files have been signed by the Head of the Doctoral School and other partners, you will be receiving a mail requesting you to come get your registration authorisation at the Doctoral School Office. You can then proceed to the adminsitrative registration. You have to present yourself to the 'Service des Etudes Doctorales Building 301 with the following documents :

  • registration authorisation (signed by the appropriate persons)
  • a copy of your Master degree
  • passport photographs (recent ones - no copy)
  • registration fees can be paid by a cheque to the accounting officer of the Univeristy or by credit card
  • registration files filled in and signed (do not take into account the 30th september and 15 October dead lines written on this document)
  • 2 signed copies of the "charte des thèses

Social Security :
If you are an employee (you do not need to pay social security fees) please supply a copy of the social security certificate or a copy of your employement contract.
Important : PhD Students that have a doctoral contract are considered as employees.
If you have a scholarship fund from the french governement, please supply a copy of the scholarship certificate
You will be exempted from social security fees.

Residence card :
The Phd Students which fall under the Palaiseau "sous-préfecture" jurisdiction can get some help from the Maison des Etudes rue du Château bât. 311 "le moulin" (first floor) accueil.mde à

Ecole Doctorale Informatique Paris-Sud

Nicole Bidoit
Stéphanie Druetta
Conseiller aux thèses
Dominique Gouyou-Beauchamps

ED 427 - Université Paris-Sud
UFR Sciences Orsay
Bat 650 - aile nord - 417
Tel : 01 69 15 63 19
Fax : 01 69 15 63 87
courriel: ed-info à