Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH)
Within the VENISE group which federates the research activity of LIMSI-CNRS in the field of Virtual and Augmented Reality, one of the research subjects is the remote perception and action using immersive Virtual Reality devices.
The possibility of remotely controlling complex systems, possibly possessing some form of autonomy, finds many applications in today's world: teleoperation of robots, exploration of otherwise inaccessible sites, remote driving (e.g. for assistance of disabled people). One of the underestimated challenges in this area of research relates to the design of systems which take explicitly into account the constraints of this kind of application: in particular, which information must be transmitted between the operator and the distant system, so that on the one hand, perception is the most natural (the goal being to maximize the sensation of presence), and on the other hand, that the task is accomplished with the maximum of effectiveness.
EVE system and the V&AR facilities of the VENISE group
The EVE system (acronym of Evolutive Virtual Environment) includes many original features which combination is currently unique in the world. It has been designed to provide multi-user and multi-sensorimotor perceptions in a large and reconfigurable immersive Virtual Environment, including 3D audio and Haptic facilities.
Work program
Within the VENISE group which federates the research activity of LIMSI-CNRS in the field of Virtual and Augmented Reality, one of the research subjects is the remote perception and action using immersive Virtual Reality devices.
The possibility of remotely controlling complex systems, possibly possessing some form of autonomy, finds many applications in today's world: teleoperation of robots, exploration of otherwise inaccessible sites, remote driving (e.g. for assistance of disabled people). One of the underestimated challenges in this area of research relates to the design of systems which take explicitly into account the constraints of this kind of application: in particular, which information must be transmitted between the operator and the distant system, so that on the one hand, perception is the most natural (the goal being to maximize the sensation of presence), and on the other hand, that the task is accomplished with the maximum of effectiveness.
Extra information
The candidate must have completed a Master in one of the fields of interest of the subject: Signal or Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Virtual reality or Robotics. He/She will master programming in C/C++, and willingness to associate various hardware and software components to conceive a system with strong constraints in data flow control and real-time processing. An experience (internship) in Virtual Reality or in 3D Computer Graphics would be an valuable asset.
Expected funding
Institutional funding
Status of funding
Pierre Cazaux , en stage de M2R au LIMSI (Master de l'Ecole des Mines d'Albi)
Mardi 08 juin 2010 14:55:31 CEST
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Mardi 08 juin 2010 15:00:41 CEST
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Ecole Doctorale Informatique Paris-Sud
Nicole Bidoit Assistante
Stéphanie Druetta Conseiller aux thèses
Dominique Gouyou-Beauchamps
ED 427 - Université Paris-Sud
UFR Sciences Orsay
Bat 650 - aile nord - 417
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