
Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual and Augmented Reality
Domain - extra
Color Compensation, Schlieren photography, Fluid dynamics, Digital performance
October 1, 2013
Digital and physical processes for human presence concealment or revelation: image processing for color compensation and inverted schlieren for thermal plumes visualization. Applications to digital media for live performance and outreach
Thesis advisor
Michèle Gouiffès, LIMSI-CNRS et Université Paris-Sud
Jean-Marc Chomaz, LadHyX et Ecole Polytechnique

Véronique Caye, Stage Director, Laboratoire Victor Vérité
La Diagaonale Paris-Saclay
This thesis focuses on the visualization and conversely the concealment of objects or individuals, using two complementary techniques based on high precision image analysis: object detection /tracking, color analysis and compensation for masking an object in a scene and make it similar to its background, and inverted schlieren technique for visualizing invisible object like thermal plumes of warm objects or individuals by a disalignment of a compensated background and its projection.
This is an important issue in the performing arts: how to conceal or visualize the presence of an individual (performer, actor, dancer, public ...) in a scene, and possibly perform this selection interactively on moving targets.
The art-science context of the work will allow for a wide range of artistic exploration and various physical set-ups that would not be possible in an academic laboratory. The work also applies to augmented reality and to hidden presence detection for video survey.
The work will be supervised between two laboratories: LIMSI-CNRS for image processing and augmented reality, LadHyX for fluid dynamics. Both laboratories have an experience in arts-science collaoration, and this project will also involve an artistic partner for on-stage design and performance.
The work is based on existing research at LIMSI on image processing for Augmented Reality that focuses on accurate low level processes such as calibration, color and geometrical distorsion compensation, feature matching, image and data fusion, for various applications such as: scene analysis, interactive projector-based augmented reality, presence detection and gesture analysis...
LadHyX has a strong experience in fluid dynamics and has already explored several track for art-science collaboration that have been exhibited in several festivals, exhibitions, galleries...
Scientific research on which the work will develop:
- the physics of camera acquisition, image projection, optics, the interaction between observer, the scene and the light,
- the Human Visual System as a reference for color compensation methods - the principles of schlieren photography
Expected scientific advances:
- original techniques in computer vision and image processing for real-time augmented reality on moving complex surfaces. Comparing sparse features matching with dense stuctured light techniques.
- a prototype system for artistic performances in various physical environments: theater stage, outdoor installations, heritage applications...
- augmented reality on warm objects or moving people using schlieren technique
Expected methodology :
- recommendations for achieving person concealment in performing arts : choices made on the clothes, the background, etc

Work program
- Review on the state-of-the Art on augmented reality on mobile surface: structured light techniques.
- In-depth study of physics for camera acquisition, image projection, optics, interaction between observer, scene and light, schlieren photography, fine-grapined image analysis.
- Developing a first prototype including the following functionalities:
. Moving objects detection by background subtraction and coded light techniques
. Color and geometric compensation
- Performing psychovisual studies to assess the performances of the prototype.-
- Real-Time implementation on GPU
- Experimentation on several artistic performances in various contexts: theater stage, outdoor and indoor heritage buildings, standard indoor environment.

Extra information
Computer vision, image processing, computer graphics.
An interest in art-science collaboration and in fluid dynamics.
Télécharger TheseEDIPSEffacement_2013.pdf
Expected funding
Institutional funding
Status of funding
Mercredi 27 mars 2013 12:31:55 CET
dernière modif.
Lundi 17 juin 2013 09:38:04 CEST

Fichiers joints

TheseEDIPSEffacement_2013.pdf 27 Mar 2013 12:311395266.85 Kb

Ecole Doctorale Informatique Paris-Sud

Nicole Bidoit
Stéphanie Druetta
Conseiller aux thèses
Dominique Gouyou-Beauchamps

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