We are developing a novel theoretical framework based on co-adaptive instruments that treat interaction between people and computers as a first-class object. The goal is to significantly empower users, providing a simpler, yet more powerful style of interaction with a coherent interface for controlling a variety of interactive devices, from interactive paper to smart phones to wall-sized displays.
The Ph.D. candidate will begin with a review of the related literature and conduct empirical studies of users, especially those who have difficulty using current mobile devices. Using participatory design techniques, the student will explore a variety of alternative co-adaptive instruments that enable users to interact successfully on mobile and other devices. After conducting field and laboratory experiments to test these co-adaptive instruments, the student will design and implement a toolkit that supports creation of mobile co-adaptive instruments.
Jessalyn ALVINA, received her Master at Paris-Sud as an exchange student in Indonesia last year, and interned with InSitu before finishing her program in Indonesia.
Samedi 17 mai 2014 00:23:46 CEST
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Samedi 17 mai 2014 00:23:46 CEST
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Mobile Co-Adaptive Instruments.pdf
17 mai 2014 00:23
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Ecole Doctorale Informatique Paris-Sud
Nicole Bidoit Assistante
Stéphanie Druetta Conseiller aux thèses
Dominique Gouyou-Beauchamps
ED 427 - Université Paris-Sud
UFR Sciences Orsay
Bat 650 - aile nord - 417
Tel : 01 69 15 63 19
Fax : 01 69 15 63 87
courriel: ed-info à lri.fr